Traditional Medicinals

Promoting the power of plants to 
build a tribe of tea lovers

When Traditional Medicinals launched the wellness tea category 40 years ago, there was little competition. Today there’s plenty—and many consumers don’t know that these pioneers are largely responsible for herbal tea’s revival in the United States and Canada. To help these pioneers stake their claim and demonstrate how Traditional Medicinals offers the right dose of plant power for your stay-well/get-well routines, we developed an integrated campaign rooted in the storytelling platform “A Dose of Tradition.”

The Work


Leveraging media consumption insights about our target audiences (who had psychographic similarities but were demographically different), print complemented the campaign — providing greater reach and frequency across food, lifestyle and health publications.

Out of Home

Collaboration with the sales team informed our approach of driving awareness among Toronto’s younger millennial audience, those significantly more likely to purchase wellness teas. Placements were relevant to the time of day and appeared in expected locations where millennials live, work and play.

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership was elevated to increase the perception of Traditional Medicinals as the leader in plant-based wellness. By getting ahead of this cultural trend and leading the way, we firmly established Traditional Medicinals as one of the driving forces and credible voices in plant-based wellness.

PR + Product Placement

Through media relations efforts, we were able to elevate Traditional Medicinals products to wellness and lifestyle publications. By quickly responding to need state conversations and trending editorial topics with relevant Traditional Medicinals teas, our efforts resulted in frequent brand and product coverage in high profile publications

Influencer Relations

Our ongoing partnerships with wellness and lifestyle influencers helped expand our reach, increase our audience diversity and generate consumer interest through brand and product-focused content.

Retailer Support

Charged with driving foot traffic and velocity at retail, paid social channels were activated to promote the availability of priority SKUs at select retailers.


Experienced an increase of 13% in 
aided brand awareness.


Drove double-digit sales increases
 two years in a row.

2 Million

Grew Traditional Medicinals’ social media plant tribe to nearly 2M followers — making it one of the top organic/natural product brands in terms of online fans.